RONIHM: Non-Inertial Robotics and Human-Machine Interfaces
This is the list of publications of this laboratory
Garcia-Hernandez, Nadia; Guzman-Alvarado, Miguel; Parra-Vega, Vicente Virtual body representation for rehabilitation influences on motor performance of cerebral palsy children Journal Article In: Virtual Reality, 2020, ISSN: 1434-9957. Garcia-Hernandez, Nadia; Corona-Cortes, J.; García-Fuentes, L.; Gonzalez-Santibanez, R.; Parra-Vega, Vicente Biomechanical and functional effects of shoulder kinesio taping on cerebral palsy children interacting with virtual objects Journal Article In: Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 676-684, 2019, (PMID: 30829542). Garcia-Hernandez, Nadia; Garza-Martinez, K.; Parra-Vega, Vicente Electromyography Biofeedback Exergames to Enhance Grip Strength and Motivation Journal Article In: Games Health Journal, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 75-82, 2018. Muñoz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Sanchez-Orta, Anand Fractional integral sliding modes for robust tracking of nonlinear systems Journal Article In: Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 87, no. 2, pp. 895–901, 2017. Muñoz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan; Ramirez-Rodriguez, Heriberto; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Sanchez-Orta, Anand Fractional sliding mode control of underwater ROVs subject to non-differentiable disturbances Journal Article In: International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, pp. 1–8, 2017. Muñoz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Sanchez-Orta, Anand Continuous Fractional-Order Sliding PI Control for Nonlinear Systems Subject to Non-Differentiable Disturbances Journal Article In: Asian Journal of Control, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 279–288, 2017, ISSN: 1934-6093, (asjc.1370). Oliva-Palomo, F.; Sanchez-Orta, Anand; Alazki, Hussain Position Estimation Improvement Using and Observer Based on Attractive Ellipsoid Method for a Quadrotor Journal Article In: 2016. García-Rodriguez, R.; Segovia-Palacios, V.; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Villalva-Lucio, M. Dynamic optimal grasping of a circular object with gravity using robotic softfingertips Journal Article In: 2016. Perez-Alcocer, R. R.; Torres-Mendez, Luz Abril; Olguin-Diaz, Ernesto; Maldonado-Ramirez, Alejandro Vision-based Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Navigation in Poor Visibility Conditions using a Model-free Robust Control Journal Article In: 2016. Velasco Ramos, Luis Enrique; Dominguez-Ramirez, Omar Arturo; Parra-Vega, Vicente Wavenet fuzzy PID controller for nonlinear MIMO systems: Experimental validation on a high-end haptic robotic interface. Journal Article In: Appl. Soft Comput., vol. 40, pp. 199-205, 2016. Izaguirre-Espinosa, Carlos; Muñoz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan; Sanchez-Orta, Anand; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Castillo, Pedro Attitude control of quadrotors based on fractional sliding modes: theory and experiments Journal Article In: IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 825–832, 2016. Muñoz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Sanchez-Orta, Anand Uniformly continuous differintegral sliding mode control of nonlinear systems subject to Hölder disturbances Journal Article In: Automatica, vol. 66, pp. 179–184, 2016. Izaguirre-Espinosa, Carlos; Muñoz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan; Sanchez-Orta, Anand; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Sanahuja, G Fractional attitude-reactive control for robust quadrotor position stabilization without resolving underactuation Journal Article In: Control Engineering Practice, vol. 53, pp. 47 - 56, 2016, ISSN: 0967-0661. Parra-Vega, Vicente; García-Rodríguez, Rodolfo; Armendariz, Jorge Neurofuzzy self-tuning of the dissipation rate gain for model-free force-position exponential tracking of robots Journal Article In: Neurocomputing, vol. 171, pp. 209 - 219, 2016, ISSN: 0925-2312. Guzman-Alvarado, M.; Guzman-Solis, G.; Obregon, J.; Hernandez-Tuyin, J.; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Olguín-Díaz, Ernesto; Garcia-Rodriguez, R. A humanoid robot toying a spinning top: Analysis and design Proceedings Article In: 2016 IEEE-RAS 16th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), pp. 595-600, 2016. Sarakoglou, Ioannis; Brygo, Anais; Mazzanti, Dario; Garcia-Hernandez, Nadia; Caldwell, Darwin; Tsagarakis, Nikos G HEXOTRAC: A highly under-actuated hand exoskeleton for finger tracking and force feedback Proceedings Article In: International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2016, Daejeon, South Korea, pp. 1033–1040, IEEE/RSJ, 2016. Brygo, Anais; Sarakoglou, Ioannis; Ajoudani, Arash; Garcia-Hernandez, Nadia; Grioli, Giorgio; Catalano, Manuel G.; Caldwell, Darwin G.; Tsagarakis, Nikolaos G. Synergy-based interface for bilateral tele-manipulations of a master-slave system with large asymmetries Proceedings Article In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA
2016, Stockholm, Sweden, May 16-21, 2016, pp. 4859–4865, IEEE, 2016. Ponce-Hinestroza, A. N.; Castro-Castro, J. A.; Guerrero-Reyes, H. I.; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Olguin-Diaz, Ernesto Cooperative redundant omnidirectional mobile manipulators: Model-free decentralized integral sliding modes and passive velocity fields Proceedings Article In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 2375-2380, 2016. Muñoz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Sanchez-Orta, Anand Control of Constrained Robot Manipulators based on Fractional Order Error Manifolds Journal Article In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 48, no. 19, pp. 118 - 123, 2015, ISSN: 2405-8963, (11th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control SYROCO 2015). Sanchez-Fraire, U.; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Martinez-Peon, D.; Sepulveda-Cervantes, G.; Sanchez-Orta, Anand; Muñoz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan On the Brain Computer Robot Interface (BCRI) to Control Robots Journal Article In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 48, no. 19, pp. 154 - 159, 2015, ISSN: 2405-8963, (11th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control SYROCO 2015). Garcia-Rodriguez, R.; Villalva-Lucio, M.; Parra-Vega, Vicente Dexterous Dynamic Optimal Grasping of a Circular Object subject to Gravity with Soft-fingertips Journal Article In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 48, no. 19, pp. 220 - 225, 2015, ISSN: 2405-8963, (11th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control SYROCO 2015). Raygoza-Barahona, Ruben; Olguin-Diaz, Ernesto; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Muñoz-Ubando, L. A. Control Libre de Modelo basado en Modos Deslizantes Integrales para Robots Submarinos Subactuados1 Journal Article In: Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial RIAI, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 313 - 324, 2015, ISSN: 1697-7912. Muñoz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Sánchez-Orta, Anand Continuous fractional sliding mode-like control for exact rejection of non-differentiable Hölder disturbances Journal Article In: IMA Journal of Mathematic al Control and Information, vol. 34, 2015, ISSN: 0265-0754. Muñoz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Sanchez-Orta, Anand; Castillo, Pedro; Lozano, R. Generalized order integral sliding mode control for non-differentiable disturbance rejection: A comparative study Proceedings Article In: 2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 4092-4097, 2015. Martinez, V.; Garcia, Octavio; Sanchez-Orta, Anand; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Escobar, A. Adaptive backstepping control for a convertible UAV Proceedings Article In: 2015 Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (RED-UAS), pp. 298-307, 2015. García-Rodríguez, Rodolfo; Villalva-Lucio, M.; Parra-Vega, Vicente Dexterous dynamic optimal grasping of a circular object with pose regulation using redundant robotic soft-fingertips Proceedings Article In: 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 6231-6237, 2015. Guerrero, F.; Martinez, V.; Garcia, Octavio; Sanchez-Orta, Anand; Espinoza, E. S. Aerodynamic analysis and performance of a mini airplane UAV Proceedings Article In: 2015 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), pp. 1112-1117, 2015. Martinez-Peon, D.; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Sanchez-Orta, Anand EEG-motor sequencing signals for online command of dynamic robots Proceedings Article In: The 3rd International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface, pp. 1-4, 2015. Sanchez-Orta, Anand; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Izaguirre-Espinosa, Carlos; Garcia, Octavio Position–Yaw Tracking of Quadrotors Journal Article In: Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, vol. 137, 2014, ISSN: 002-0434. Garcia-Hernandez, Nadia; Bertolotto, F.; Cannella, F.; Tsagarakis, N. G.; Caldwell, D. G. How Tactor Size and Density of Normal Indentation Tactile Displays Affects Grating Discrimination Tasks Journal Article In: IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 356-366, 2014, ISSN: 1939-1412. Ramirez-Rodriguez, Heriberto; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Sanchez-Orta, Anand; Garcia-Salazar, Octavio Robust Backstepping Control Based on Integral Sliding Modes for Tracking of Quadrotors Journal Article In: Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 51–66, 2014, ISSN: 1573-0409. Armendariz, Jorge; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Garcia-Rodriguez, Rodolfo; Rosales, Sergio Neuro-fuzzy Self-tuning of PID Control for Semiglobal Exponential Tracking of Robot Arms Journal Article In: Appl. Soft Comput., vol. 25, no. C, pp. 139–148, 2014, ISSN: 1568-4946. Muñoz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Sanchez-Orta, Anand A Passive Velocity Field Control for Navigation of Quadrotors with Model-free Integral Sliding Modes Journal Article In: Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 373–385, 2014, ISSN: 1573-0409. Muñoz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Sanchez-Orta, Anand Attitude tracking control of a quadrotor based on absolutely continuous fractional integral sliding modes, iee multi-conference on system and control 2014, ISSN: 1085-1992. Muñoz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan; Parra-Vega, Vicente; Sanchez-Orta, Anand free-model fractional-order absolutely continuous sliding mode, control for euler-lagrange systems Conference free-model fractional-order absolutely continuous sliding mode, control for euler-lagrange systems, ieee conference on decision and control 2014, ISSN: 0191-2216. Brygo, Anais; Sarakoglou, Ioannis; Garcia-Hernandez, Nadia; Tsagarakis, Nikolaos Humanoid Robot Teleoperation with Vibrotactile Based Balancing Feedback Book Chapter In: Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications: 9th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2014, Versailles, France, June 24-26, 2014, Proceedings, Part II, pp. 266–275, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-662-44196-1. Martinez-Alvarado, Ricardo; Ruiz-Sanchez, Francisco J.; Sanchez-Orta, Anand; Garcia-Salazar, Octavio Dynamic Response of BLDC-Thruster for Small Scale Quadrotors under Aerodynamic Load Torque Proceedings Article In: Dynamic Response of BLDC-Thruster for Small Scale Quadrotors under Aerodynamic Load Torque, pp. 1-6, iee international autumn meeting on power, electronics and computing 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4799-5683-8. Martínez-Alvarado, Ricardo; Sánchez-Orta, Anand; Granda-Gutiérrez, E.; Ruiz-Sanchez, Francisco J. performance evaluation of propeller-engine systems for unmanned aerial vehicles in hovering Proceedings Article In: performance evaluation of propeller-engine systems for unmanned aerial vehicles in hovering, pp. 131-136, congreso internacional en ingenieria electronica electro 2014, 2014, ISSN: 1405-2172. Estopier-Castillo, Vicente; Arechavaleta, Gustavo; Olguín-Díaz, Ernesto Generacion de Movimientos Humanoides con Dinamica Inversa Jerarquica Proceedings Article In: Generacion de Movimientos Humanoides con Dinamica Inversa Jerarquica, Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático CLCA 2014, 2014. Garcia-Teran, Miguel Angel; Ballote, Danuel; Raygoza-Barahona, Ruben; Villa, Luis Enrique; Olguin-Diaz, Ernesto; Enriquez-ortiz, Cecilia; Mariño-Tapia, Ismael Implementacion de un sistema de navegacion para dotar de autonomia a un vehiculo marino Proceedings Article In: Implementacion de un sistema de navegacion para dotar de autonomia a un vehiculo marino, memorias del XVI Congreso Mexicano de Robótica ComRob, 2014, 2014. Olguin-Diaz, Ernesto; Garcia-Teran, Miguel Angel Aeordynamic sectional modeling with the use of extended vectors Proceedings Article In: Aeordynamic sectional modeling with the use of extended vectors, pp. 459-469, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4799-2376-2. Caldwell, D. G.; Garcia-Hernandez, Nadia; Tsagarakis, N. G.; Sarakoglou, Ioannis A High Performance Tactile Feedback Display and Its Integration in Teleoperation Journal Article In: IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 5, pp. 252-263, 2012, ISSN: 1939-1412.2020
Journal Articles
title = {Virtual body representation for rehabilitation influences on motor performance of cerebral palsy children},
author = {Garcia-Hernandez, Nadia and Guzman-Alvarado, Miguel and Parra-Vega, Vicente},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/s10055-020-00481-3},
issn = {1434-9957},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-10-29},
journal = {Virtual Reality},
abstract = {Game-based virtual reality systems have been shown to enhance motor function, motivation and therapy adherence in cerebral palsy (CP) children. In these systems, several types of virtual body representations have been implemented, however without conclusive support of guidelines nor the most appropriate choice for enhancing motor performance. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine how the subjective experience of seeing and controlling a half-body avatar, or an abstract hand representation in a moderate immersion virtual environment (VE), for training upper limb movements may affect CP children's motor performance. To achieve that purpose, a game-like VE for training the reaching-releasing of objects was designed. Unlike previous studies, relevant task performance and cost function metrics were obtained from the analysis of kinematic and kinetic parameters of movement. Results show that visualizing the hand movement through an abstract object makes children perform faster, correct less to produce smoother movements, and use less mechanical energy than visualizing the arm movement through a realistic Avatar. These effects were more noticeable in the reaching than in the releasing phase of the task. Based on these findings, some recommendations are provided for the effective design and use of VE's for upper limb rehabilitation of CP children.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Journal Articles
title = {Biomechanical and functional effects of shoulder kinesio taping on cerebral palsy children interacting with virtual objects},
author = {Garcia-Hernandez, Nadia and Corona-Cortes, J. and Garc\'{i}a-Fuentes, L. and Gonzalez-Santibanez, R. and Parra-Vega, Vicente},
url = {},
doi = {10.1080/10255842.2019.1580361},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-01-01},
journal = {Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering},
volume = {22},
number = {6},
pages = {676-684},
publisher = {Taylor and Francis},
abstract = {AbstractThe reaching of objects is usually practiced by CP children in conventional or Virtual Reality-based therapies to enhance motor skill performance. Recently, Kinesio Taping® method has been studied to increase mechanical stability and improve functional movement of the upper limb; however, its influence on CP children´s upper limb motion has been rarely quantified due to lack of sensory measurement. Therefore, in this paper, we evaluate the biomechanical and functional effects of applying shoulder Kinesio Taping® on CP children in the reaching-transporting of virtual objects, by using a low-cost tracking device, exact robust differentiation of data and a simple nonlinear biomechanical dynamic model of the trunk and arm.},
note = {PMID: 30829542},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Journal Articles
title = {Electromyography Biofeedback Exergames to Enhance Grip Strength and Motivation},
author = {Garcia-Hernandez, Nadia and Garza-Martinez, K. and Parra-Vega, Vicente},
url = {},
doi = {},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-02-01},
journal = {Games Health Journal},
volume = {7},
number = {1},
pages = {75-82},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Journal Articles
title = {Fractional integral sliding modes for robust tracking of nonlinear systems},
author = {Mu\~{n}oz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Sanchez-Orta, Anand},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
journal = {Nonlinear Dynamics},
volume = {87},
number = {2},
pages = {895--901},
publisher = {Springer},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
title = {Fractional sliding mode control of underwater ROVs subject to non-differentiable disturbances},
author = {Mu\~{n}oz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan and Ramirez-Rodriguez, Heriberto and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Sanchez-Orta, Anand},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
journal = {International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems},
pages = {1--8},
publisher = {Springer},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
title = {Continuous Fractional-Order Sliding PI Control for Nonlinear Systems Subject to Non-Differentiable Disturbances},
author = {Mu\~{n}oz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Sanchez-Orta, Anand},
url = {},
doi = {10.1002/asjc.1370},
issn = {1934-6093},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
journal = {Asian Journal of Control},
volume = {19},
number = {1},
pages = {279--288},
note = {asjc.1370},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Journal Articles
title = {Position Estimation Improvement Using and Observer Based on Attractive Ellipsoid Method for a Quadrotor},
author = {Oliva-Palomo, F. and Sanchez-Orta, Anand and Alazki, Hussain},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-07-15},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
title = {Dynamic optimal grasping of a circular object with gravity using robotic softfingertips},
author = {R. Garc\'{i}a-Rodriguez and V. Segovia-Palacios and Parra-Vega, Vicente and M. Villalva-Lucio},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-06-06},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
title = {Vision-based Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Navigation in Poor Visibility Conditions using a Model-free Robust Control},
author = {Perez-Alcocer, R. R. and Torres-Mendez, Luz Abril and Olguin-Diaz, Ernesto and Maldonado-Ramirez, Alejandro },
year = {2016},
date = {2016-06-06},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
title = {Wavenet fuzzy PID controller for nonlinear MIMO systems: Experimental validation on a high-end haptic robotic interface.},
author = {Velasco Ramos, Luis Enrique and Dominguez-Ramirez, Omar Arturo and Parra-Vega, Vicente},
url = {},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
journal = {Appl. Soft Comput.},
volume = {40},
pages = {199-205},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
title = {Attitude control of quadrotors based on fractional sliding modes: theory and experiments},
author = {Izaguirre-Espinosa, Carlos and Mu\~{n}oz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan and Sanchez-Orta, Anand and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Castillo, Pedro},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
journal = {IET Control Theory \& Applications},
volume = {10},
number = {7},
pages = {825--832},
publisher = {IET},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
title = {Uniformly continuous differintegral sliding mode control of nonlinear systems subject to H\"{o}lder disturbances},
author = {Mu\~{n}oz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Sanchez-Orta, Anand},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
journal = {Automatica},
volume = {66},
pages = {179--184},
publisher = {Elsevier},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
title = {Fractional attitude-reactive control for robust quadrotor position stabilization without resolving underactuation},
author = {Izaguirre-Espinosa, Carlos and Mu\~{n}oz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan and Sanchez-Orta, Anand and Parra-Vega, Vicente and G Sanahuja },
url = {},
doi = {},
issn = {0967-0661},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
journal = {Control Engineering Practice},
volume = {53},
pages = {47 - 56},
abstract = {Quadrotors are Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), whose nonlinearities, uncertainties, and unavoidable aerodynamic disturbances stand for a difficult control problem. Additionally, the highly nonlinear coupling between the position and the orientation dynamics exacerbates the underactuation problem when the objective is the position tracking. In this paper, aiming at designing a robust position controller without resolving underactuation, a novel “reactive orientation control” is proposed. The orientation controller is model-free and it is build upon differintegral fractional operators to react to a continuous and bounded additive term that stands for an affine exogenous position controller. Such term indeed becomes an attitude disturbance that is purposely injected to displace the quadrotor towards the desired position of the underactuated coordinates. The closed-loop analysis shows that the norm of the transfer function between the disturbance and the position tracking error is minimized for a stable and robust position regime. Simulations and experimental results are given to discuss the feasibility of the proposed scheme.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
title = {Neurofuzzy self-tuning of the dissipation rate gain for model-free force-position exponential tracking of robots},
author = {Parra-Vega, Vicente and Garc\'{i}a-Rodr\'{i}guez, Rodolfo and Armendariz, Jorge },
url = {},
doi = {},
issn = {0925-2312},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
journal = {Neurocomputing},
volume = {171},
pages = {209 - 219},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Proceedings Articles
title = {A humanoid robot toying a spinning top: Analysis and design},
author = {Guzman-Alvarado, M. and Guzman-Solis, G. and Obregon, J. and Hernandez-Tuyin, J. and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Olgu\'{i}n-D\'{i}az, Ernesto and Garcia-Rodriguez, R.},
doi = {10.1109/HUMANOIDS.2016.7803335},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-11-01},
booktitle = {2016 IEEE-RAS 16th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)},
pages = {595-600},
abstract = {There exists certain unusual and highly demanding human motor tasks that require bimanual high-end dexterous skills, such as throwing a curve ball, skating, RipStik caster boarding, to name a few, wherein precise fast nonlinear dynamics and advanced robust control play a major role. Similarly, the spinning top (ST), an amazingly popular toy across cultures from millennia, has recently motivated formal research due to its apparent complex perplexing physics that maintains it upright without falling even when its rotational axis is inclined, a motion regime we call “dancing”. In this paper, a humanoid robot (HR) that replicates the throwing and dancing motion regimes of a 6D ST toy (STT) is proposed, using full nonlinear models. A finite-time continuous robust, yet model-and chattering-free controller is synthesized for the HR to track the aggressive but smooth trajectories from a real-time motion capture system of an expert human player. Simulations show the successful throwing and dancing of STT. Moreover, analysis suggests a trade-off on theoretical and practical aspects subject to current HR technological limitations.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
title = {HEXOTRAC: A highly under-actuated hand exoskeleton for finger tracking and force feedback},
author = {Sarakoglou, Ioannis and Brygo, Anais and Mazzanti,Dario and Garcia-Hernandez, Nadia and Caldwell, Darwin and Tsagarakis, Nikos G },
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/IROS.2016.7759176},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-10-09},
booktitle = { International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2016, Daejeon, South Korea},
volume = {2016 },
number = {October 9-14},
pages = {1033--1040},
publisher = {IEEE/RSJ},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/iros/2016},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
title = {Synergy-based interface for bilateral tele-manipulations of a master-slave system with large asymmetries},
author = {Brygo, Anais and
Sarakoglou, Ioannis and
Ajoudani, Arash and
Garcia-Hernandez, Nadia and
Grioli, Giorgio and
Catalano, Manuel G. and
Caldwell, Darwin G. and
Tsagarakis, Nikolaos G. },
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/ICRA.2016.7487690},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-05-16},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA
2016, Stockholm, Sweden, May 16-21, 2016},
volume = {2016},
pages = {4859--4865},
publisher = {IEEE},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/icra/2016},
abstract = {In this work a novel synergy-based bilateral tele-manipulation strategy is introduced. The proposed algorithm has been primarily developed to remotely control the Pisa/IIT SoftHand (SH) using a 3-finger hand exoskeleton as master device. With a single actuator and a sensory system limited to a position encoder and a current sensor, the SH minimalist design promotes robustness but challenges traditional teleoperation strategies. To tackle this challenge, the concept of Cartesian-based hand synergies is introduced as a projection tool which maps the fingertip Cartesian space to the directions oriented along the grasp principal components. The unconstrained motion of the operator's hand is projected on this space to extract the SH's motor position reference. Conversely, the interaction force estimated at the robotic hand as a 1-dimensional force along the first synergy is projected to the 9D fingertip Cartesian space through an inverse projection. The resultant finger-individualized forces form a synergy based weighted representation of the grasping effort applied by the SH and are displayed to the operators fingertips using the force feedback hand exoskeleton. The system's ability to reflect the environment's impedance has been experimentally validated during a ball squeezing experiment. To assess the overall effectiveness of the proposed system as a manipulation interface, the SoftHand was mounted on the humanoid robot COMAN and the setup was subsequently enriched with a vision-based tracking system monitoring the operators wrist trajectory. Experimental results indicate that the proposed body-machine bilateral interface allows for the intuitive performance of stable grasps and transport of a large range of diversely shaped objects.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
title = {Cooperative redundant omnidirectional mobile manipulators: Model-free decentralized integral sliding modes and passive velocity fields},
author = {Ponce-Hinestroza, A. N. and Castro-Castro, J. A. and Guerrero-Reyes, H. I. and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Olguin-Diaz, Ernesto},
doi = {10.1109/ICRA.2016.7487387},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-05-01},
booktitle = {2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
pages = {2375-2380},
abstract = {An omnidirectional mobile manipulator (OMM) provides extended capabilities to a robotic system since it enlarges its workspace at the expense of an omnidirectional mobile base, which is nowadays a reality. When various OMM transport an object, the resultant constrained OMM dynamics is quite complex that demands effective control schemes without neglecting dominant nonlinear effects nor interaction forces. In this paper, it is proposed a decentralized cooperative control for a set of k OMMs (k-OMM) subject to homogeneous holonomic constraints imposed by the object being manipulated. A chatterless integral sliding mode force-position control guarantees exponential tracking whose implementation does not require any knowledge of dynamics. This controller is decentralized in a sense that neither dynamics nor interaction forces of the i-OMM are required for the j-controller, and it is cooperative by correcting collectively the velocity deviation due to the pushing of the other j-OMM. Each omnidirectional base provides object mobility along passive smooth velocity fields to avoid obstacles on the floor, which is synthesized as the secondary task when resolving redundancy, and the force control stabilizes internal forces to ensure object grasp, which are declared together with end-effector position, as the primary task. Simulations are discussed for two 8-DoF Kuka youBot OMM system navigating in a cluttered environment.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Journal Articles
title = {Control of Constrained Robot Manipulators based on Fractional Order Error Manifolds},
author = {Mu\~{n}oz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Sanchez-Orta, Anand},
url = {},
doi = {},
issn = {2405-8963},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
journal = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
volume = {48},
number = {19},
pages = {118 - 123},
note = {11th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control SYROCO 2015},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
title = {On the Brain Computer Robot Interface (BCRI) to Control Robots},
author = {Sanchez-Fraire, U. and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Martinez-Peon, D. and Sepulveda-Cervantes, G. and Sanchez-Orta, Anand and Mu\~{n}oz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan},
url = {},
doi = {},
issn = {2405-8963},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
journal = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
volume = {48},
number = {19},
pages = {154 - 159},
note = {11th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control SYROCO 2015},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
title = {Dexterous Dynamic Optimal Grasping of a Circular Object subject to Gravity with Soft-fingertips},
author = {Garcia-Rodriguez, R. and Villalva-Lucio, M. and Parra-Vega, Vicente},
url = {},
doi = {},
issn = {2405-8963},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
journal = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
volume = {48},
number = {19},
pages = {220 - 225},
note = {11th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control SYROCO 2015},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
title = {Control Libre de Modelo basado en Modos Deslizantes Integrales para Robots Submarinos Subactuados1},
author = {Raygoza-Barahona, Ruben and Olguin-Diaz, Ernesto and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Mu\~{n}oz-Ubando, L. A.},
url = {},
doi = {},
issn = {1697-7912},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
journal = {Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial RIAI},
volume = {12},
number = {3},
pages = {313 - 324},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
title = {Continuous fractional sliding mode-like control for exact rejection of non-differentiable H\"{o}lder disturbances},
author = {Mu\~{n}oz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan and Parra-Vega, Vicente and S\'{a}nchez-Orta, Anand},
url = {},
doi = {},
issn = {0265-0754},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-00-00},
journal = {IMA Journal of Mathematic al Control and Information},
volume = {34},
abstract = {Exploiting algebraic and topological properties of differintegral operators as well as a proposed principle of dynamic memory resetting, a uniform continuous sliding mode controller for a general class of integer order affine non-linear systems is proposed. The controller rejects a wide class of disturbances, enforcing in finite-time a sliding regime without chattering. Such disturbance is of H\"{o}lder type that is not necessarily differentiable in the usual (integer order) sense. The control signal is uniformly continuous in contrast to the classical (integer order) discontinuous scheme that has been proposed for both fractional and integer order systems. The proposed principle of dynamic memory resetting allows demonstrating robustness as well as: (i) finite-time convergence of the sliding manifold, (ii) asymptotic convergence of tracking errors, and (iii) exact disturbance observation. The validity of the proposed scheme is discussed in a representative numerical study.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Proceedings Articles
title = {Generalized order integral sliding mode control for non-differentiable disturbance rejection: A comparative study},
author = {Mu\~{n}oz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Sanchez-Orta, Anand and Castillo, Pedro and Lozano, R.},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/CDC.2015.7402856},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-12-01},
booktitle = {2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)},
pages = {4092-4097},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
title = {Adaptive backstepping control for a convertible UAV},
author = {Martinez, V. and Garcia, Octavio and Sanchez-Orta, Anand and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Escobar, A.},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/RED-UAS.2015.7441020},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-11-01},
booktitle = {2015 Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (RED-UAS)},
pages = {298-307},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
title = {Dexterous dynamic optimal grasping of a circular object with pose regulation using redundant robotic soft-fingertips},
author = {Garc\'{i}a-Rodr\'{i}guez, Rodolfo and Villalva-Lucio, M. and Parra-Vega, Vicente},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/IROS.2015.7354266},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-09-01},
booktitle = {2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
pages = {6231-6237},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
title = {Aerodynamic analysis and performance of a mini airplane UAV},
author = {Guerrero, F. and Martinez, V. and Garcia, Octavio and Sanchez-Orta, Anand and Espinoza, E. S.},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/ICUAS.2015.7152403},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-06-01},
booktitle = {2015 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)},
pages = {1112-1117},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
title = {EEG-motor sequencing signals for online command of dynamic robots},
author = {Martinez-Peon, D. and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Sanchez-Orta, Anand},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/IWW-BCI.2015.7073043},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
booktitle = {The 3rd International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface},
pages = {1-4},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Journal Articles
title = {Position\textendashYaw Tracking of Quadrotors},
author = {Sanchez-Orta, Anand and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Izaguirre-Espinosa, Carlos and Garcia, Octavio},
url = {},
doi = {10.1115/1.4029464},
issn = {002-0434},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-12-19},
issuetitle = {Position-Yaw Tracking of Quadrotors},
journal = {Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement},
volume = {137},
abstract = {A yaw angle, different from zero, introduces highly nonlinear couplings in the rotational and translational quadrotor dynamics, implying undesirable motions. This argument has motivated that the position control problem of quadrotors is studied generally regulating yaw at zero. However, zeroing yaw limits the maneuverability of underactuated quadrotors because yaw is one of the four actuated motions. In this paper, the simultaneous tracking of position and time-varying heading is proposed, based on an integral sliding mode control with a quaternion-based sliding surface. An exponential tracking with chattering-free is obtained without requiring any knowledge of the dynamic model or its parameters for implementation. Since a linear invariant orientation error manifold is enforced for all time, a time-varying gain is introduced for a well-posed finite time convergence, which is useful not only to realize the virtual position control scheme, due to underactuation, but also to guarantee a desired contact in a given point at a given desired contact time for the yaw motion. Illustrative applications are explored in a simulation study which shows the viability and versatility of position\textendashyaw tracking in the surveillance of a field-of-view (FoV) target, aerial screw driver, and aerial grasping.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
title = {How Tactor Size and Density of Normal Indentation Tactile Displays Affects Grating Discrimination Tasks},
author = {Garcia-Hernandez, Nadia and Bertolotto, F. and Cannella, F. and Tsagarakis, N. G. and Caldwell, D. G.},
url = {\&arnumber=6750735},
doi = {10.1109/TOH.2014.2309128},
issn = {1939-1412},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-07-01},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Haptics},
volume = {7},
number = {3},
pages = {356-366},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
title = {Robust Backstepping Control Based on Integral Sliding Modes for Tracking of Quadrotors},
author = {Ramirez-Rodriguez, Heriberto and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Sanchez-Orta, Anand and Garcia-Salazar, Octavio },
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/s10846-013-9909-4},
issn = {1573-0409},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
journal = {Journal of Intelligent \& Robotic Systems},
volume = {73},
number = {1},
pages = {51--66},
abstract = {Modern non-inertial robots are usually underactuated, such as fix or rotary wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), underwater or nautical robots, to name a few. Those systems are subject to complex aerodynamic or hydrodynamic forces which make the dynamic model more difficult, and typically are subject to bounded smooth time-varying disturbances. In these systems, it is preferred a formal control approach whose closed-loop system can predict an acceptable performance since deviations may produce instability and may lead to catastrophic results. Backstepping provides an intuitive solution since it solves underactuation iteratively through slaving the actuated subsystem so as to provide a virtual controller in order to stabilize the underactuated subsystem. However it requires a full knowledge of the plant and derivatives of the state, which it is prone to instability for any uncertainty; and although robust sliding mode has been proposed, discontinuities may be harmful for air- or water-borne nonlinear plants. In this paper, a novel robust backstepping-based controller that induces integral sliding modes is proposed for the Newton--Euler underactuated dynamic model of a quadrotor subject to smooth bounded disturbances, including wind gust and sideslip aerodynamics, as well as dissipative drag in position and orientation dynamics. The chattering-free sliding mode compensates for persistent or intermittent, and possible unmatched state dependant disturbances with reduced information of the dynamic model. Representative simulations are presented and discussed.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
title = {Neuro-fuzzy Self-tuning of PID Control for Semiglobal Exponential Tracking of Robot Arms},
author = { Armendariz, Jorge and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Garcia-Rodriguez, Rodolfo and Rosales, Sergio },
url = {},
doi = {10.1016/j.asoc.2014.08.037},
issn = {1568-4946},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
journal = {Appl. Soft Comput.},
volume = {25},
number = {C},
pages = {139--148},
publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.},
address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Netherlands},
abstract = {Abstract
The PID controller with constant feedback gains has withstood as the preferred choice for control of linear plants or linearized plants, and under certain conditions for non-linear ones, where the control of robotic arms excels. In this paper a model-free self-tuning PID controller is proposed for tracking tasks. The key idea is to exploit the passivity-based formulation for robotic arms in order to shape the damping injection to enforce dissipativity and to guarantee semiglobal exponential convergence in the sense of Lyapunov. It is shown that a neuro-fuzzy network can be used to tune dissipation rate gain through a self-tuning policy of a single gain. Experimental studies are presented to confirm the viability of the proposed approach.
Graphical abstract},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
The PID controller with constant feedback gains has withstood as the preferred choice for control of linear plants or linearized plants, and under certain conditions for non-linear ones, where the control of robotic arms excels. In this paper a model-free self-tuning PID controller is proposed for tracking tasks. The key idea is to exploit the passivity-based formulation for robotic arms in order to shape the damping injection to enforce dissipativity and to guarantee semiglobal exponential convergence in the sense of Lyapunov. It is shown that a neuro-fuzzy network can be used to tune dissipation rate gain through a self-tuning policy of a single gain. Experimental studies are presented to confirm the viability of the proposed approach.
Graphical abstract@article{Munoz-Vazquez2014,
title = {A Passive Velocity Field Control for Navigation of Quadrotors with Model-free Integral Sliding Modes},
author = {Mu\~{n}oz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Sanchez-Orta, Anand},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/s10846-013-9892-9},
issn = {1573-0409},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
journal = {Journal of Intelligent \& Robotic Systems},
volume = {73},
number = {1},
pages = {373--385},
abstract = {Velocity field (VF) control has proved effective for kinematic robots, aiming essentially at providing desired velocities for navigation along the field, and for obstacle avoidance in cluttered environments. When robot dynamics are involved, it is usually considered either that dynamics are known and that robot is fully actuated, thus it is not clear how to deal with VF control (VFC) for unknown underactuated dynamics, such as for a quadrotor. Moreover, passive VF (PVF) stands for an attractive methodology for quadrotors because of it yields time-invariant nominal spatial field for smooth approaching and easy manoeuvring. In this paper, we propose a constructive method to design a PVF-based controller with a chattering-free integral sliding modes for local exponential position tracking. The salient feature of our proposal is the passive nature of the field as well as the controller is model-free for the complete standard quasi-Lagrangian dynamic model of the quadrotor. The controller does not require the derivative nor any assumption on boundedness on the integral of the VF, yet the closed-loop withstands robustness against parametric and model uncertainties. Simulations are discussed, and remarks address the viability of the proposed approach.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
title = {Attitude tracking control of a quadrotor based on absolutely continuous fractional integral sliding modes},
author = {Mu\~{n}oz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Sanchez-Orta, Anand},
doi = {10.1109/CCA.2014.6981425},
issn = {1085-1992},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-00-00},
booktitle = {Attitude tracking control of a quadrotor based on absolutely continuous fractional integral sliding modes},
pages = {717-722},
organization = {iee multi-conference on system and control},
abstract = {Abstract:
The model-free sliding mode control based on fractional order sliding surface is built upon: i) An absolutely continuous control structure that does not require the exact dynamic model to induce a fractional sliding motion in finite time, and ii) A methodology to design fractional references with a clear counterpart in the frequency domain is proposed. This in order to improve the system response, in particular the transient period, and to generate a high-performance during the sliding motion. Numerical simulations support the proposal and illustrates the closed-loop system, which provides a better insight of the proposed scheme.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
The model-free sliding mode control based on fractional order sliding surface is built upon: i) An absolutely continuous control structure that does not require the exact dynamic model to induce a fractional sliding motion in finite time, and ii) A methodology to design fractional references with a clear counterpart in the frequency domain is proposed. This in order to improve the system response, in particular the transient period, and to generate a high-performance during the sliding motion. Numerical simulations support the proposal and illustrates the closed-loop system, which provides a better insight of the proposed scheme.@conference{Munoz-Vazquez2014b,
title = {free-model fractional-order absolutely continuous sliding mode, control for euler-lagrange systems},
author = {Mu\~{n}oz-Vazquez, Aldo Jonathan and Parra-Vega, Vicente and Sanchez-Orta, Anand},
url = {},
doi = {DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2014.7040478},
issn = {0191-2216},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-00-00},
booktitle = {free-model fractional-order absolutely continuous sliding mode, control for euler-lagrange systems},
pages = {6933-6938},
organization = {ieee conference on decision and control},
abstract = {Abstract:
Euler-Lagrange systems, such as robots, exhibit benign structural properties, including passivity, which allow us to design robust and efficient energy-shaping controllers. A great variety of passivity-based control schemes are available and recently model-based fractional order discontinuous sliding mode control has been proposed. In this paper, a fractional order absolutely continuous control scheme for Euler-Lagrange systems is proposed, without depending on the dynamic model, which enforces in finite-time a commensurable rational fractional order regime. Additionally, a frequency domain analysis is addressed, which is very useful for some applications. A numerical simulation assessment is presented, including the frequency domain response based on Bode plots. Final concluding remarks are discussed in view of the state of the art in fractional order controllers.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Euler-Lagrange systems, such as robots, exhibit benign structural properties, including passivity, which allow us to design robust and efficient energy-shaping controllers. A great variety of passivity-based control schemes are available and recently model-based fractional order discontinuous sliding mode control has been proposed. In this paper, a fractional order absolutely continuous control scheme for Euler-Lagrange systems is proposed, without depending on the dynamic model, which enforces in finite-time a commensurable rational fractional order regime. Additionally, a frequency domain analysis is addressed, which is very useful for some applications. A numerical simulation assessment is presented, including the frequency domain response based on Bode plots. Final concluding remarks are discussed in view of the state of the art in fractional order controllers.Book Chapters
title = {Humanoid Robot Teleoperation with Vibrotactile Based Balancing Feedback},
author = {Brygo, Anais and Sarakoglou, Ioannis and Garcia-Hernandez, Nadia and Tsagarakis, Nikolaos},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-44196-1_33},
isbn = {978-3-662-44196-1},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
booktitle = {Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications: 9th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2014, Versailles, France, June 24-26, 2014, Proceedings, Part II},
pages = {266--275},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Proceedings Articles
title = {Dynamic Response of BLDC-Thruster for Small Scale Quadrotors under Aerodynamic Load Torque},
author = {Martinez-Alvarado, Ricardo and Ruiz-Sanchez, Francisco J. and Sanchez-Orta, Anand and Garcia-Salazar, Octavio},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/ROPEC.2014.7036341},
isbn = {978-1-4799-5683-8},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
booktitle = {Dynamic Response of BLDC-Thruster for Small Scale Quadrotors under Aerodynamic Load Torque},
pages = {1-6},
organization = {iee international autumn meeting on power, electronics and computing},
abstract = {In multi-rotor UAVs, a controlled Thrust is a main factor to achieve a safe and stable flight. Thrust is the result of a coordinated action of a set of symmetrically distributed thrusters whose single contribution is usually described as a square function of its rotor speed; however, aerodynamic forces induce a load torque on the rotor that disturb its expected speed response, thus its effective Thrust, affecting the whole performance of the aircraft. In this paper, we analyse and quantify the effects of the aerodynamic load torque induced on the spinning propeller of a BLDC thruster used in small scale Quadrotors and present some experimental validation. We describe the model of a 3-phase thruster with a two blade propeller of fixed pitch angle, we analyse its numerical simulation to determine the effects of the induced load torque on the dynamic response of the rotor, and we experimentally verify the results assuming ideal conditions of hover flight. Finally we illustrate the convenience of using feedback control to reduce the sensibility of thrusters face to non modelled dynamics applying a PD controller and we discuss about the importance of an accurate dynamic model of the thruster for control purposes.
Dynamic Response of BLDC-Thruster for Small Scale Quadrotors under Aerodynamic Load Torque (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed Jun 16, 2017].},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Dynamic Response of BLDC-Thruster for Small Scale Quadrotors under Aerodynamic Load Torque (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed Jun 16, 2017].@inproceedings{Mart\'{i}nez-Alvarado2014,
title = {performance evaluation of propeller-engine systems for unmanned aerial vehicles in hovering},
author = {Mart\'{i}nez-Alvarado, Ricardo and S\'{a}nchez-Orta, Anand and Granda-Guti\'{e}rrez, E. and Ruiz-Sanchez, Francisco J.},
url = {},
issn = {1405-2172},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-00-00},
booktitle = {performance evaluation of propeller-engine systems for unmanned aerial vehicles in hovering},
volume = {36},
pages = {131-136},
publisher = {congreso internacional en ingenieria electronica electro 2014},
abstract = {A flexible tool to dimensioning and optimizing the performance of a propeller-engine system for multi-rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is proposed. The study is centered on an experimental platform designed to identify the dynamic behavior of the thruster which operates as main actuator in multi-rotor UAVs. The aim is to optimize the performance of the propulsion system with basis on its dynamic behavior. The dynamic of an UAV changes notably according to the performance of the thruster, which is composed by a propeller coupled to a Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) Motor. The dynamic response of the propulsion system is acquired from the experimental data, including the electric, mechanical and aerodynamic effects of the wing when the propeller is the load of the rotor. The experimental platform allows evaluating the performance of the system and determining the payload for a UAV, but also validates control laws to regulate the thruster action.
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF PROPELLER-ENGINE SYSTEMS FOR UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES IN HOVERING MODE (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed Jun 16, 2017].@inproceedings{Castillo2014,
title = {Generacion de Movimientos Humanoides con Dinamica Inversa Jerarquica},
author = {Estopier-Castillo, Vicente and Arechavaleta, Gustavo and Olgu\'{i}n-D\'{i}az, Ernesto},
url = {},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-00-00},
booktitle = {Generacion de Movimientos Humanoides con Dinamica Inversa Jerarquica},
publisher = {Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Autom\'{a}tico CLCA 2014},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
title = {Implementacion de un sistema de navegacion para dotar de autonomia a un vehiculo marino},
author = {Garcia-Teran, Miguel Angel and Ballote, Danuel and Raygoza-Barahona, Ruben and Villa, Luis Enrique and Olguin-Diaz, Ernesto and Enriquez-ortiz, Cecilia and Mari\~{n}o-Tapia, Ismael},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-00-00},
booktitle = {Implementacion de un sistema de navegacion para dotar de autonomia a un vehiculo marino},
publisher = {memorias del XVI Congreso Mexicano de Rob\'{o}tica ComRob, 2014},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
title = {Aeordynamic sectional modeling with the use of extended vectors},
author = {Olguin-Diaz, Ernesto and Garcia-Teran, Miguel Angel},
doi = {10.1109/icuas.2014.6842286},
isbn = {978-1-4799-2376-2},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-00-00},
booktitle = {Aeordynamic sectional modeling with the use of extended vectors},
pages = {459-469},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Journal Articles
title = {A High Performance Tactile Feedback Display and Its Integration in Teleoperation},
author = {Caldwell, D. G. and Garcia-Hernandez, Nadia and Tsagarakis, N. G. and Sarakoglou, Ioannis},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/TOH.2012.20},
issn = {1939-1412},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-01-01},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Haptics},
volume = {5},
pages = {252-263},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}