I am a master degree student of the Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing Group at the CINVESTAV-Saltillo. (Centre for Research and Advanced Studies) in Saltillo, Mexico. I’m working under supervision of Dr. L. Abril Torres-Méndez and external supervision of Dr. Paulo Jr. Drews from Federal University of Rio Grande.
About me
I’m from Abasolo, Tamaulipas, México. I finished my undergraduate studies in Mechatronic Engineering in 2016 at the UPV (Universidad Politecnica de Victoria). In my last internship I made a collaboration whit CINVESTAV- Saltillo in the design of an sub-actuated fin for an underwater robot.
I started my master degrees studies in September, 2016, my thesis topic its about the color restauration in underwaters dynamics scenes ussing a probabilistics methods.
Av. Industria Metalúgica 1062
Parque Industrial Saltillo-Ramos Arizpe
Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila, Mexico